Tangkahan Jungle Trek Solution Your Holiday

Start planing your journey in NORTH SUMATERA, INDONESIA

Our Partners

Jelajah Sumatera Utara Bersama


Welcome To Tangkahan !

Hi, I’m Choky , and welcome to my website. What will you find here? Our main activity is sustainable jungle trekking, whaich my friends and I, all born and raised in Tangkahan, specialize in.
In addition to trekking, we can introduce you to the local culture, take you to Tangkahan the Real Hidden Paradise, Berastagi, Lake Toba, or All about Beautyfull Sumatran Destination,  arrange transport, and assist with accommodation.
On the website, you’ll find a complete list of our services, but if anything is missing, feel free to let me know your wishes.
Greats Rooms
Destination Spot

We Provide The Finest Cottage

“Our commitment and dedication aims to provide the best travel experience for you.”

24/7 Services

Hotel & Cottage


Hotel & Cottage


Hotel & Cottage

Discovering Peace In Nature’s Simplicity

We always provide the latest information with professional services tailored to customer needs.

Good Service
affordable prices

There Are Many Activities In Each Destination



“Menelusuri jejak alam, menemukan ketenangan dalam kedamaian.”


Jungle Forest

“Setiap kabut yang menyelimuti hutan, mengundang rasa penasaran yang tak bisa dihentikan.”


Education Flora & Fauna

“Setiap tumbuhan dan hewan memiliki peran penting dalam ekosistem kita, dan kita perlu memahaminya untuk melindungi mereka.”


Outbound With Team

“Semangat dalam outbound adalah semangat kebersamaan, untuk mengatasi rintangan dan meraih kemenangan bersama.”

We Provide The Finest Cottage

“Enjoy the Beauty of Nature with Maximum Comfort, a Place to Relax, Rest, and Be One with Nature”

Make Every Moment More Valuable in Tangkahan – The Hidden Paradise

Places That Can See the River Directly in Tangkahan – The Hidden Paradise

Enhance Your Stay Experience in Tangkahan – The Hidden Paradise

Comfort and Tranquility Await You in Tangkahan – The Hidden Paradise

Frequently Asked Question

Tangkahan Jungle Trek Information :

The mountainous National Park stretches in the north of Indonesian’s island Sumatra. Besides Borneo, it’s the last remaining place on earth where you can find Orangutans and Sumatran Tigers living in the wild. With thousands of species and plants, it is one of the most biodiverse rainforests in the world.

Rhinos, Tigers, Forest Elephants and Orangutans were once found together throughout Southeast Asia. But deforestation and poaching mean that Gunung Leuser National Park is now the only place in the world where they still coexist. Main reason for this is the problematic cultivation of oil palms.

Will we make something so precious disappear forever, or take our last chance and protect it for our children and grandchildren? Help us to have a positive impact on our most important ecosystem ∼ the rainforest ∼ and take part in our ecological tourism! 

Explore our jungle treks

Yes there are! 

Besides Borneo (Kalimantan), Sumatra is the last remaining habitat of our close relatives. There are different species of the compelling apes, like the Borneo Orangutan who found its habitat on the ground as there are no tigers left anymore on the island, or the Sumatran Orangutan who can be found swinging in the trees of Gunung Leuser National Park, behind Bukit Lawang.

Until 2015 there was a feeding platform at the entrance of the National Park to help orangutans, who lived in captivity, finding back into their natural habitat. These Orangutans are now the famous Semiwilds of Bukit Lawang. As they are used to humans, you might find them on nearly every jungle trek and watch their human likeness at close range. Some of these special semiwild orangutans have even had offspring since they were released into the wild. 

You are more interested in seeing wild orangutans? The chances to spot wild exemplars are quite good on our longer treks (two to four days), as they use to live in the deeper forest. Sometimes they even come close to the borders of the national park, so if you’re lucky you can even see them on a one-day trek. But anyways they will keep their distance with us as they are more bashful than the semiwilds. 

If you would like to know more about the Sumatran Orangutans, Bukit Lawang and the rainforest of Southeast Asia, read more here or come to visit us in the Indonesian rainforest!

All our jungle treks will lead into the mountains of Gunung Leuser National Park. Therefore, you need some basic fitness condition and healthy knees on all our treks. Our day tours are quite easy to walk, but for our 2-days trek (or more days) you should be in a good health condition and used to some exercises.

Don’t worry – your Jungle Guide will always be aware of your fitness & health condition and can choose a different trekking route through the National Park depending on your wishes.

Our youngest guest was just one year old, while our oldest guest past the 80s – all of them came back in full health and enjoyed their time in the jungle 😉

Experience Luxury In The Cottage

A one-hundred year old Indonesian house, reborn in Tangkahan. Your home in the jungle, for reservations please contact our

Whatsapp : (+62)822-5805-5332